We support people in their search for truth and meaning.

Coffee and Conversation

Join us on the casual fifth Sunday as we enjoy a favorite beverage while engaging in rich conversations. Susan Kaphammer is our welcoming host.

Recent News

  • Community Coffee Moves to Catalyst
    Catalyst Coffee is now open in their new location, sharing with Single Hill Brewing at 102 N. Naches Ave. Starting Wednesday, November 20, community coffee will be meeting there. All are welcome!
  • Learning Opportunities for Adults & Children
    Lifespan Learning: Starting Point  For those new to Unitarian Universalism and for those wishing to renew their UU connection Classes begin on Saturday, Oct. 19, 9:45 a.m. – 12 noon at UUCY and continue each week for 4 sessions (Oct. 19, Oct. 26, Nov. 2 and Nov. 9) Attending each session will enhance the individual and group experience. Plan to learn about ...
  • Summer Kids’ Discovery Group A Success!
    Getting to Know YoUUJuly 29-August 2 In June, when the idea of a summer children’s program came up during a Lifespan Learning meeting, parents said they liked the idea, leaders volunteered, and it was on its way! The first meetings revealed a group of enthusiastic and committed parents, some being relatively new to Unitarian Universalism. We took ...


25 Mar 25
Community Coffee
26 Mar 25
1 Apr 25

Healthy Relations Covenant

This congregation adopted a Healthy Relations Covenant, making these promises to each other.
  • Treat each other with kindness
  • Celebrate each other’s personal growth
  • Listen deeply to others
  • Speak with courage and humility
  • Share the ministry of this congregation