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Voting members of the church elect a Board of Trustees who hold executive power in the church. The board includes a President and Vice-President and three Trustees who serve staggered three year terms. The members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The board holds regular monthly meetings that are open to all congregational members. It is responsible for the fiscal matters, personnel, the church property, and assuring that what needs to be done is done as well as possible.

Our Current Board of Trustees

PresidentMike Gempler
Vice PresidentCarole Sahlstrand
TrusteeMary Brunelle
TrusteeNancy Born
TrusteeRosemary Saul

2023 Election Results

Nominating Committee

Gean Dindia, Bill Jacobs, Ray Yates

Elected to the Board of Trustees

  • Trustee, three years: Nancy Born (second term)