Author: Hannah Born

Update to COVID policies

As of March 14, UUCY will still require proof of vaccination for entry to in-person services; however, the choice to wear a mask or not will be up to each attendee. This may change if infection rates appear to skyrocket as a result to the state’s lifting of the indoor mask mandate, so please pay … Continue reading Update to COVID policies

UUA General Assembly

June 22-26, Portland, Oregon General Assembly is the annual gathering of the Unitarian Universalist Association; it features a variety of programming to learn, worship, and connect with other Unitarian Universalists. Click here for more information. This year the in-person location will be Portland, Oregon from June 22 to 26; there will also be an option … Continue reading UUA General Assembly

Homecoming Sunday is Canceled

With great regret, the service planned for this Sunday in the park has been canceled. COVID-19 is still a concern, and in addition the air quality in Yakima has been unhealthy due to fires. Given the recent trend it seems unlikely to improve much before Sunday. Considering those factors, the board and the Sunday Services … Continue reading Homecoming Sunday is Canceled