There are many ways to connect to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima, very well a congregation made up of people like you. By visiting this site, you are already connected and are part of this group of engaged, thoughtful, caring, compassionate people.
At its core, UUCY is a membership organization, we are an independent body that freely associates with the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. When you join as a member, you are eligible to participate in governance decisions that direct the congregation. You are also, by joining, making a statement that the Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima is your religious home. But you don’t have to be a member to participate fully in all of our programs and to be a part of this community.
You can start by being a visitor or friend. Our services are open to all, as are all of our programs and events. When visiting our services, we invite you to fill out one of our visitor cards so that we can add you to our mailing list (electronic or regular) so that you can receive our newsletter and other announcements of coming events. You can also fill out the form at the bottom of our home page to be added to our list.
You can continue to participate as a friend in all of our activities except voting including becoming active as a volunteer if you wish to help out with any activities, or lead one of your own. There are many ways in UUCY for people connect, learn, and grow.
If you feel that you have found your religious home, you can become a member of UUCY This is a seemingly simple, yet deeply meaningful step.