Ice Cores, Albedo Feedback, and the Polar Front
This Sunday’s service will be held in the small chapel at Central Lutheran Church (1604 W Yakima Ave) at 11 a.m.! We will also be holding our annual meeting immediately following the service.
Use the entrance on Yakima Avenue. There is parking in front of that door.

Guest speaker Miles McPhee will talk about connections between the Arctic and mid-latitude climate, both in terms of what is happening now in a “1 degree world” (the change since preindustrial times), and what ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica suggest about what is in store for the future.
Here is bit about our speaker:
“I grew up near Naches, graduated from Stanford in engineering, then obtained a Ph.D. in Geophysics from the University of Washington, with a thesis on the ocean boundary layer under sea ice. I spent the next four decades doing polar air-ice-ocean research, which included participating in roughly two dozen field projects on ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. Much of that research was directly relevant to understanding climate change at high latitudes and elsewhere.”