Archives: Services

No Sunday Service

We will not be holding services in July; services will resume in August.

No Sunday Service

We will not be holding services in July; services will resume in August.

No Sunday Service

We will not be holding services in July; services will resume in August.

The Path of Delight

Let’s consider what from our present lives and memories from our pasts we might each put into our own “box of delights” for the times our road turns long and lonely. Join Susan Kaphammer for this service with resources from Soul Matters Series.

Father’s Day: A Nothing Burger

This Sunday’s service will be held in the small chapel at Central Lutheran Church (1604 W Yakima Ave) at 11 a.m.! Use the entrance on Yakima Avenue. There is parking in front of that door. A popular and engaging speaker, Bill Jacobs will share thoughts on Father’s Day. Join us and share your thoughts as well.

Kindness Matters

This Sunday’s service will be held in the small chapel at Central Lutheran Church (1604 W Yakima Ave) at 11 a.m.! Use the entrance on Yakima Avenue. There is parking in front of that door. Who doesn’t need a little kindness these days? Susan Kaphammer will lead us in a discussion surrounding kindness. Please come prepared to share … Continue reading Kindness Matters

Dumb Luck

This Sunday’s service will be held in the small chapel at Central Lutheran Church (1604 W Yakima Ave) at 11 a.m.! Use the entrance on Yakima Avenue. There is parking in front of that door. Telling our own stories and listening to those of our fellow UU’s builds and strengthens our community. Please come prepared to share a … Continue reading Dumb Luck


This Sunday’s service will be held in the small chapel at Central Lutheran Church (1604 W Yakima Ave) at 11 a.m.! Use the entrance on Yakima Avenue. There is parking in front of that door. Creativity brings us joy, beauty and play, but may also tap into insecurity, loneliness and self-doubt. This discussion is not just about imagination, … Continue reading Creativity