Archives: Services


At nearly two weeks past Valentine’s Day, maybe we can look beyond the superficial commercialization of love to more thoughtfully consider our own paths of love.  We share a birthright of love that can mature to a surprising, demanding, expansive, tough, persistent spiritual calling.  With resources from the Soul Matters series, Susan Kaphammer prompts us … Continue reading Love

This I Believe

Unitarian Universalists are often known more for what they don’t believe than for what they do believe.  But, even though we do not have a creed that members must follow, we do have strongly held beliefs – the details of which can vary from member to member. Today 3 of our members will briefly share … Continue reading This I Believe

Valentine’s Day Service

Plan to bring your own poem or a favorite poem or select from the poetry grab bag! We will be sharing thoughts of the season in this service for all ages in honor of Valentine’s Day.  Please bring a seasonal snack to share following the service. Coffee and juice will be provided.

Coffee and Conversation

Join us to hear from the organizer and admin of the advocacy group Yakima Health First. Wendy has been a Retail Store Manager at Starbucks, for more than 20 years. She and her husband Robert live right here in our Yakima Community. Come join in the conversation and learn more about how she got involved … Continue reading Coffee and Conversation

Finding Our Center

Calm and rest may be the first things that come to mind when we talk about “Finding our Center.’ Yet, as our faith reminds us, being a “centered person” requires more if we are to move toward a balance of justice. We have to upset the current state of things, being purposefully off-balance and out-of-step … Continue reading Finding Our Center

The Blizzard of 1888: The Writings of Ted Kooser

Explore the relationship of nature and humanity as we relive the blizzard of 1888 through the poetry of Ted Kooser, native Nebraskan, former poet laureate and Pulitzer Prize winner. Told in many voices, each poem contributes to the whole, completing a powerful story of loss, gratitude and awe. Led by Cindy Lamb and Linda King … Continue reading The Blizzard of 1888: The Writings of Ted Kooser

Coffee and Conversation: Peace Like a River

Peace Like a River is an African-American spiritual song well known to many faiths, including Unitarian Universalists. Join us this Sunday as we head into a new year for coffee and conversation about how peace is experienced in your life, and in the world.

No Service (New Year’s Day)

Due to the New Year’s Day holiday, there will be no Sunday service on January 1. Our next service will be Sunday, January 8th, 2023. See you in the new year!

Canceled: Christmas Eve Service

Many apologies for the short notice, but due to the state of the roads (and the skies) in Yakima, we are canceling the service that was planned for tonight (Saturday, December 24th). Stay home, stay warm, and we’ll hope for better weather next year so that we can celebrate together then. In the meantime, have … Continue reading Canceled: Christmas Eve Service