Archives: Services

The Path of Courage

While we honor people of great courage who change the world, today’s service will ask us to recognize and value our own many acts of ordinary courage that help us keep each other going and make our piece of the world better. Susan Kaphammer shares readings, ideas and inspiration drawn from the Soul Matters materials.

Justice Housing Yakima

Ken Jones, business manager of Justice Housing, will present an update on the progress being made to provide sustainable tiny house communities in Yakima.


In a message drawn from our Soul Matters resources, Susan Kaphammer will help us explore what it means to belong.

Water Communion

Our traditional fall homecoming service will be intergenerational and will feature our water communion. Stories, music and readings will be featured in this coming together service. Please bring water or representative water from your summer adventures and plan to share a bit about its meaning.

No Service (Labor Day)

There will be no service on September 4th due to the Labor Day holiday.