Archives: Services

Watch What You Watch

How to be present? We are all dealing ‘with stuff.’ How to pay attention to what we are doing, to be intentional and skillful at what we are doing. Join us today for our monthly Tune In Together, as we listen to Rev. Lavanhar from Tulsa, Oklahoma All Souls Unitarian Church. The service starts out … Continue reading Watch What You Watch

The Path of Wonder

Getting lost in the image of a star-filled night, or an endless ocean, or the depths of a child’s eyes may leave us with a sense of wonder that can overwhelm and humble, even make us feel small. Our religion calls us to lean in a little more. Wonder isn’t so much about feeling small as … Continue reading The Path of Wonder

Dark Meat or Light: The Choices We Make

Join in conversation around how our choices impact our daily living, our happiness, our relationships, our way of being in the world – and more!

Exploring Gratitude

Attendees are asked to come prepared to share thoughts based on prompts by Chuck Forster. ANYONE who has a poem or would like to write a poem about something for which they are grateful or otherwise exploring gratitude will have an opportunity to share if they wish.

Let’s Change the Story

Join with us as we Tune in Together, in person to listen to Rev. Jon Luopa’s sermon “Let’s Change the Story.” Rev. Luopa is with the University Unitarian Church of Seattle. His talk is about the challenges that we face. While we have much power to do good, we also have as much power to … Continue reading Let’s Change the Story


Change can be a force like a flash flood that unexpectedly, powerfully scours away the familiar, leaving a new landscape. More often, change is the quiet but persistent alterations in our personal worlds and in our souls. Today’s service explores our responsibilities to be change agents but also our personal and spiritual responses to the changes … Continue reading Change

Halloween, Then and Now

Come enjoy a short history of Halloween, traditions old and new, music, story, and sharing. Come dressed as someone or something else or just yourself. All ages welcome.

The Path of Courage

While we honor people of great courage who change the world, today’s service will ask us to recognize and value our own many acts of ordinary courage that help us keep each other going and make our piece of the world better. Susan Kaphammer shares readings, ideas and inspiration drawn from the Soul Matters materials.