After the Plague: Now What?
Art Busch will examine what happens during plagues, what comes after, and how it’s changed our lives and us. This service will be online only; watch your weekly update or contact the office for the link.
Art Busch will examine what happens during plagues, what comes after, and how it’s changed our lives and us. This service will be online only; watch your weekly update or contact the office for the link.
Beauty – in nature, in art, in everyday things, in each other – enriches our lives. Perhaps beauty is also a part of our world to teach us. Today’s service suggests that we might approach beauty not by asking, “Do I like it or not?” but by asking, “What is it trying to get me … Continue reading Nurturing Beauty
What actions can we take? Colleen Anderson from 350 Yakima Climate Action will speak about options at local, state, and/or federal levels. This will be a hybrid service; if you are attending online, click here for the order of services (also embedded below).
Sermon by the Rev. Sarah Tinker, Kensington Unitarian What can we do? How do we respond? Are there constructive actions to be taken in the face of destruction? Find creative answers to the task and meaning of repair in this service responding to the Ukrainian invasion. This service will be held online. Watch your weekly … Continue reading Tune In Together: Destruction and Repair
Sermon by Rev. Terasa G. Cooley, Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington on April 21, 2019. Presented by Debra Kroon. On this Easter Sunday, we take a new look at the idea of the resurrection, through the words of Rev. Terasa G. Cooley of Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. Here is a synopsis by Rev. Cooley: … Continue reading The Empty Tomb
Cindy Lamb will treat us to the poetry of Billy Collins, whose down to earth offerings have earned him enduring popularity in the United States.
Have you felt a stirring to find a way to strengthen our imperiled democracy? Then this is the service for you. Join Chuck Forster and Mireya Chavez with La Casa Hogar to learn about La Casa’s citizenship program and how you might help those desiring US citizenship achieve their goal and become voting members of … Continue reading Strengthening Our Democracy
Further developing the theme presented in prior sermons, this talk will address an overview or proposed “supermyth” that incorporates the myths of the prior ages to bring us into the Nuclear Electronic Age. This will be a hybrid service (in person and online); to attend online, check your weekly update or contact the office for the link. Click here to … Continue reading Mythology of the Future, Part IV: The Supermyth
Join us for this virtual “Tune in Together” worship service exploring fear and love, the political and the religious and the possibility of the intersection of both. This service will be held online. Watch your weekly update or contact the office for the link.