Archives: Services

Coffee House Poets

Join Cindy Lamb, Chuck Forster and other members of the Yakima Coffeehouse Poets for a service celebrating original poetry. Chuck will be the celebrant so, of course, come prepared to sing.

The Practice of Story

Story is a fundamental and universal aspect of being human. From earliest times, the world encountered through human senses has been made understandable by construction and sharing of stories. In turn, the stories repeated and adopted shape how the world is experienced and understood, for both good and bad. In this service Susan Kaphammer will prompt us … Continue reading The Practice of Story

Grab Bag Open House

Join us for our coffee and conversation service, where we are bringing back the grab bag! Everyone is welcome and will be asked to write down a topic of your choice onto a piece of paper. They will all then be placed in the grab bag and chosen at random!

Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, December 24th at 4:00 p.m. Mark your calendars for Dec. 24, 4:00 p.m. at UUCY for a uniquely Unitarian Universalist celebration of the season. Winter traditions will be honored, a UU story will be told, Sunny will provide beautiful music, and the service will close with our own communion of light. All ages welcome.

The Main Strings

Holiday Sing-A-Long and Apple Brunch! Join us for this festive celebration of the season led by Jeff Main of MainStrings. Please bring any finger food snack that contains apples or goes with apples to share following the service. Beverages provided. All ages welcome.

The Practice of Presence

Have you ever (I am sure you have!) been in a place and time while your mind is elsewhere? Our daily existence is often one of being pulled in different directions by competing demands for our time and attention. Only later may we realize we missed the here and now, or the here and now may have … Continue reading The Practice of Presence

Tune in Together: A Love of Liberty

Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter’s post-election sermon “A Love of Liberty” reminds us that even in the face of despair, love endures. Through grief, rage, and exhaustion, the message is clear: we are called to action. Together, we confront injustice, uphold freedom, and refuse to let love be extinguished. Join us as we recommit to a future … Continue reading Tune in Together: A Love of Liberty

Gratitude With Soup and Bread

On this Sunday, just prior to our Thanksgiving holiday, we gather for a short service on gratitude, led by our own Denise Edwards. This is a delicious soup and bread gathering. Anyone wanting to share a crockpot of soup, a loaf of delectable bread or a hand-held sweet treat, there is a sign-up sheet in … Continue reading Gratitude With Soup and Bread

It All Started With a Candelabra

I’ve been called a mad scientist or MacGyver for my ability to make something useful or repair an item that just couldn’t be fixed.  We used to call this “Yankee Ingenuity” or “Invention is the Mother of Necessity.” In the last couple of decades as a nation we have become a disposable society that lacks … Continue reading It All Started With a Candelabra