Archives: Services

Being Present with Yourself

“…in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” (from Desiderata)  This service, led by Merrill Thomsen and Susan Kaphammer, will be sparse of words to offer time to experience and reflect on solitude as a spiritual practice.

First Sunday Pancake Breakfast

Bring the family as we engage in a brief service followed by food and fellowship for everyone.

Gratitude: More than We Deserve

Prior to the Thanksgiving holiday, Rev. Jones reminds us that gratitude is a spiritual practice.  We’ll have our annual Soup and Bread Luncheon following the service.


How has Unitarian Universalism changed lives?  How has it changed yours?  This morning Rev. Jones will offer some food for thought.

All Souls Halloween All-Family service

People of all ages can participate in this service honoring our ancestors, or “those who’ve gone before.”  You are invited to bring a momento of a deceased loved one to share if you wish.

Social Justice and Sharing the Plate

Have we fulfilled our commitment to social justice and engagement through Share the Plate? Members of the UUCY Social Justice Committee Carole Sahlstrand and Phil Dindia will be speaking not only on Share the Plate, but our definition of what ‘social justice’ looks like at UUCY.