Archives: Services

Intersectional Solidarity: Palestine, BLM, and Beyond

Speaker Salam Awad’s talk will focus on research she conducted in Ramallah, Palestine which explored solidarity and alliance building between the Black Lives Matter movement and the struggle for liberation in Palestine. This discussion will focus on the importance of intersectional solidarity and fostering community and global relationships to achieve peace and justice worldwide.

Blossoms & Brunch: Mother’s Day Flower Communion Celebration

Join us on Sunday, May 13th, for Blossoms and Brunch! Sunday Services will include our popular annual Flower Communion, then stay and enjoy a lovely brunch at the salad potluck immediately following services. Please bring a flower to share in the annual celebration of the UU Flower Ceremony.  You’ll leave a changed person!

In-house Poets

Join us as Chuck Forster, Cindy Lamb, and other “in-house” poets of UUCY share works of their craft with us.

Floating the Rhythm

The last of the series of sermons Rev. Jones is delivering on the six sources of Unitarian Universalist faith — and just in time for Earth Day: “Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.”

The Sacred Role of Reason

This morning Rev. Jones holds up the fifth of the six sources of Unitarian Universalist faith: “Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against the idolatries of the mind and spirit.”

Choosing Happiness

We can focus on big ideas for creating happy lives for ourselves… but maybe it is the little things that matter most?

Pancake Breakfast

Bring the family to our monthly, first-Sunday-of-the-month breakfast.

An Invitation

The fourth in the series on the sources of our UU faith, Rev. Jones presents ideas about our Christian heritage on this Palm Sunday