Archives: Services

Closing Services at General Assembly

Tune in Together as we livestream the closing services at the UUA General Assembly conference. We will begin promptly at 10 a.m., so plan on arriving a bit early; the GA service will last until 11:30.

Oh My: God?

God can sometimes be a tricky subject for Unitarian Universalists. While we havedecidedly “godly” roots, today we are more apt to hear words like divine and spiritin our services. For some, God may even be “unmentionable” or non-existent, butmost would acknowledge that God is not easily put in a box. Please join in this participatory … Continue reading Oh My: God?

Faith in the Public Square

Rev. Galen Guengerich of All Souls Church of NYC brings us a service that discusses the relationship between belief and political activism. Andrew Whitmont will be our discussion leader. This may be a service that helps us navigate that uncomfortable space between feeling and acting.

Unmentionables, Part Two

Gean Dindia returns with another look into topics we don’t often discuss. Gean and Phil Dindia share with us their perspectives on intimacy and the ways it may be expressed. We will be invited to share our own stories related to this topic following their presentation. This Sunday’s story for all ages is a beautifully … Continue reading Unmentionables, Part Two

Reasons Not to be a Unitarian

Today we share a compelling dive into 5 New Reasons to Not be a Unitarian with Dr. Rev. Daniel Kantor, Unitarian Church of Dallas. We gather to watch this service in person; Andrew Whitmont will lead us in discussions. What are the 5 new reasons? Can you guess? An intriguing question. Join us as we … Continue reading Reasons Not to be a Unitarian

Poetry Day

This will be a participatory service for all ages. Bring your favorite poem to share, or use one provided. April is National Poetry Month.

Pieces of Earth

Reflections on our favorite pieces of earth on the day before Earth Day. Come prepared to sing (of course!) and participate in some storytelling.