Archives: Services

Stewardship Sunday

Stewardship season is nearly upon us, where we renew our commitment to sustaining our support of UUCY. We will also hold a ceremony in recognition of new members.

The Gift of Transformation

Transformation – living, learning, changing, becoming. From our Soul Matters series, Susan Kaphammer shares perspectives on choosing paths and directions of transformation, and on allowing the paths and directions to choose and work within us. 

Thoughts of Spring

Please join Sunny Sonker, Susan Kaphammer and Linda King in this all ages, sharing service celebrating Easter and timeless messages of spring. Plan to share your own ideas and reflections. There will be an egg hunt for those 13 and under immediately following the service.

Music of Dan Maher

Join us for an uplifting musical service with Dan Maher. Dan is a seasoned performer, collector of songs, and master of sing-a-longs. He hosted Northwest Public Broadcasting’s Inland Folk radio show for 38 years.

Yakima Morelia Sister City Association

Noë Gutierrez, one of the founders of the Yakima Morelia Sister City Association (YMSCA) and Andrew Whitmont, a member of our church and long time sponsor, will show pictures and share information about the Sister City Association and the recent delegation from Yakima to Morelia in January. Anticipating the group’s  25th anniversary  this April, future directions and current activities … Continue reading Yakima Morelia Sister City Association

Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom

Many UUs are non-theistic — they don’t believe in a supernatural being who chooses to intervene in human lives. However, they still live according to a faith, which is manifested by dedication to persons and/or projects. Bill will explore how this “secular faith” can lead to a spiritual freedom that will improve human lives, and … Continue reading Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom

The Three Questions

What if we could have the answers to only three questions and it would take away the uncertainty in life? What would your three questions be? In this service we will be exploring ideas originally authored by Leo Tolstoy and adapted by Jon J Muth. Sunny Sonker and Linda King presenting.

Membership Matters

Today we welcome new members into our Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima family. We are all members of something, whether a church, a community, a nation. This will be an opportunity to take a look at what membership means while celebrating the new additions in our midst.

The Gift of Heritage

Heritage is about the values we choose to carry forth from those to whom we are related and/or those who we choose as our spiritual ancestors.  Our heritage bestows a legacy, calls us to carry stories forward, and lives in the whispers of our hearts. Opening to our heritage helps us understand why we are … Continue reading The Gift of Heritage

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Everything. From our own likes and dislikes to our experiences to beloved stories to our faith – love is the ground we walk on. Join in this service of connection, exploration and assurance. Facilitated by Linda King and Sunny Sonker.