Tune In Together: The Prophets of Possibility

Join us for another rich, virtual service as we Tune In Together at UUCY to hear the words of Rev. Galen Guengrich, Senior Minister at All Souls Unitarian Church in NYC, delivered by Assistant Minister Pamela Patton: “The Prophets of Possibility.”

As we reflect on the results of the U.S. election, many of us feel a profound sense of grief, fear, and even hopelessness. Yet, in the midst of this turmoil, we also celebrate as a beacon of liberal faith, unwavering in its commitment to justice and equality for all people. This duality is the reality we face. Things have changed, and yet, in many ways, they remain the same. But through it all, we stand firm in our unshakable belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. It is this core principle that fuels our spiritual practice, driving us to fight tirelessly for peace and justice, not just for ourselves, but for all members of our shared human family.