Summer Kids’ Discovery Group A Success!

Getting to Know YoUU
July 29-August 2

In June, when the idea of a summer children’s program came up during a Lifespan Learning meeting, parents said they liked the idea, leaders volunteered, and it was on its way!

The first meetings revealed a group of enthusiastic and committed parents, some being relatively new to Unitarian Universalism. We took measured steps and blended our talents. Once a framework was established, each person took responsibility for leading one day of the week while being supported by others during planning and on site. We all have busy schedules and using a spectrum of communication tools allowed us to maintain ongoing communication throughout the experience.

Children learned UU concepts and principles paired with activities. Some of these were: Everyone is important, we each have a say and we vote, we can share happy and sad feelings and experiences (joys and concerns). They experienced the flaming chalice as a UU symbol, various ways it may look, and they heard about reasons we may light one.

We learned and sang “This Little Light of Mine,” made clay chalices that we used all week, made and gave away friendship bracelets, meditated paying attention to sound and our own bodies, made pudding, tasted and smelled a wide variety of snacks, and more.

A few weeks later, feedback from a parent is that her children had fun and are asking when we will do it again. They are voting at home and spontaneously making chalices!

This weeklong summer experience provided an introduction to religious education for nine children ages 2-12 years old. These children have been attending UUCY for anywhere from a few months to a few years, but generally not all together at the same time. Children and adults learned a lot about each other, working and playing together and “Getting to know yoUU.”