Archives: Testimonials

Congregation Testimonials

Merrill Thomsen

All my life I’ve been on a spiritual search. When I was a little girl, I was quite religious with a strong Methodist background. As I grew older, I began to wonder why I was Blessed just by virtue of my geographic place of birth…. like what kind of religion would condemn any little children … Continue reading Merrill Thomsen

Lucy Stevens

I am one of the few UUS who was raised in the church and has stayed a UU.  I tried to convert to another religion when I married a wonderful man who was raised to believe other things about the here and now and the hereafter, etc.  It didn’t take.  I asked too many questions … Continue reading Lucy Stevens

Linda Dunham

Around 1964 I was listening to a Protestant Sunday school teacher conduct a class discussing various Christian denomination. Somewhere I had heard of Unitarians and asked about them. “Oh,” she assured me, “We won’t talk about them, they’re heathens.” That aroused my curiosity so when soon after I saw a UUA ad in the back … Continue reading Linda Dunham