UU Poets Rise Up!

This is the service where all the poets in the congregation step up and share one or several of their original writings i.e. this is not the time to read your favorite Mary Oliver or Robert Frost piece but rather something you have written. It’s all good and we’d love to hear it! Celebrant will … Continue reading UU Poets Rise Up!

The Practice of Inclusion

The spiritual challenges of inclusion include recognizing the complexities of situations and relationships, and admitting the limits of our own experiences and understandings.  The real-life challenges of inclusion include discerning when to step forward and when to step aside.  For this service Susan Kaphammer will ask us to consider the gifts as well as the … Continue reading The Practice of Inclusion

Chinese New Year: Year of the Snake

Lunar New Year is the beginning of a new year based on lunar calendars or, informally but more widely, lunisolar calendars. Lunar calendars follow the lunar phase while lunisolar calendars follow both the lunar phase and the time of the solar year. The event is celebrated by numerous cultures in various ways at diverse dates. Come celebrate with UUCY!